Minecraft Data PacksWorking multifunctional security Cameras Minecraft Data Pack
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This list is not complete at all, so download the datapack now and try all the amazing features! Installation: Just read the readMe.txt in the ZIP file (or drag and drop the ZIP file in 'datapacks' in your world folder). Jul 04, 2020 Security Craft Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4/1.12.2, as its name, is designed to guarantee the security of your house and your property. Follow the article to get more features of this unique mod below. Security Craft. When surviving in Minecraft, you always worry about thieves who will break suddenly into your house and steal your valuable items.
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2003143tasuclah Level 25 : Expert Miner4
Upgrade your game with these working security cameras offering a lot of functions!
This datapack offers: +Realistic looking security cameras you can control while being in camera mode +Rarely any influence on perfomance, very efficiently programmed +Easy to install/delete, no knowledge needed -> controls are intuitive +Multiplayer friendly, but limited to one player in camera mode +When somebody is in camera mode, this person is represented by a villager whose name is the name of the current player (Picture 8). When the villager dies, the player in camera mode dies, so you can not 'hide' in camera mode. You can see the current health of the villager through the bossbar on the top of the screen (Picture 6/7) +Crafting recipes (Picture 9/10) -> You can also use this datapack in survival +To remove a camera/cam base destroy the block the camera/cam base is placed on +Only one cam base is allowed +Most importantly: DO NOT PLAY IN PEACEFUL + .....
+Night Vision mode (example in picture 6)
-> Lets you see in the dark
+Entity detection
-> players close to the camera base are getting notified when a camera has detected an entity (example in picture 7)
+Self turning mode
-> the camera turns in an 90° angle, which is very nice in camera mode to get an overview over a huge area and looks very 'alive' for other players
+Automatically changing mode
-> changes to next camera every few seconds, so you can lean back but have an eye on everything :D
+ /tag @p add cam
-> Enables you to use the cameras
+ /trigger camHelp
-> Help page
+ /trigger cam [ID]
-> When in camera mode, you will go to the camera with the typed ID (very useful in combination with entity detection!)
+ /trigger camItems
-> Gives you the items, creative mode only
+ /function cam:cam_install
-> installs the datapack, Cheats/OP needed!
+ /function cam:cam_uninstall
-> deletes the datapack, Cheats/OP needed!
This datapack offers tons of features! This list is not complete at all, so download the datapack now and try all the amazing features! :) Installation: Just read the readMe.txt in the ZIP file (or drag and drop the ZIP file in 'datapacks' in your world folder) Any questions? tasuclah@gmail.com ! :D Feedback in the comments is highly appreciated! :) Thanks a lot! tasuclah
I fixed a bug which led to the problem that the coordinates of a camera which detected an entity were not shown. It is now working Have fun!
104/03/2020 7:13 amLevel 21:Expert Architecttemplebro2 this is so useful, i own a realm and people steal all the time and i've finally been able to catch the thief.103/11/2020 5:54 amLevel 1:New MinerUser2937719G Tried to test out the cameras but when i activate them in the camera base it instantly kills me and says '<player> was too focused on using security cameras' what do i do202/22/2020 1:31 pmLevel 1:New MinerOperatorSpicy I have a realm for me and my friends and we usually max out at 3 players at once, sometimes 4. After I installed this datapack the server started lagging even if there was no one using the cameras. So if I'm right that means that the cameras are still being processed even if they aren't in use. Can you fix that if possible?? But it's a great datapack and I really like it! (:201/21/2020 11:17 pmLevel 48:Master DragonbornYolo4321 .Noice.101/21/2020 10:35 pmLevel 1:New CrafterTheGreyBuilder When I click 'Start' it says 'You cannot trigger this objective yet.' Seems like a great pack, but doesn't work for me.101/22/2020 6:08 amLevel 25:Expert Minertasuclah Also make sure that you are right in front of the camera monitor to start the camera view!101/22/2020 4:54 amLevel 25:Expert Minertasuclah Did you use /tag @p add cam?101/20/2020 6:08 pmLevel 1:New Minerdapootisbird will this work on bedrock?101/20/2020 7:39 pmLevel 25:Expert Minertasuclah I think datapacks are java edition only. Sorry about that!101/18/2020 5:35 amhistoryLevel 25
Security Craft - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge
:Expert Minertasuclah I have fixed a bug which led to wrong behaviour of the entity detection. If you have downloaded the datapack you may consider to download the latest version. Please delete the old version and install the new one. Thanks tasuclahtools/tracking4474732working-realistic-multifunctional-security-camerasJoin Planet Minecraft!
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Minecraft Dungeons Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Artifacts, Helmets and Mobs Data Pack
This plugin adds CCTV Camera's (Also called Security Cameras) to your Minecraft server! This plugin will add: Cameras, CameraGroups, And Computers! Computers are made out of Nether Brick Stairs and contain a CameraGroup. this group contains an amount of cameras you created. So when you right-click your Computer, you can select an camera, and connect to it! In the camera, you have an option to enable or disable night vision, to turn the camera left or right, and to skip to the next camera in the CameraGroup.
How to use?
As said in 'What is this plugin?' this plugin contains cameras, cameragroups and computers! First we need to create a camera, go to your spot where you want to make a camera. You can create a camera using the command /cctv camera create <name>. After you created your camere you way want to make a group. Whats a group you may ask? A group in our plugin is where you can add multiple camera in 1 group that you later can add to a computer. You can view your camera using the command /cctv camera view <name>. Now you joined the camera, you can do multiple things as looking to the left and right but you can also zoom in (If you are using optifine, turn the speed zoom effect on) you can also use night vision. To leave you camera, you simple 'shift/crouch' ingame to leave it. How do you make a group? You can create a group by the following command /cctv group create <name>. After you made your group you can add camera's to that group by using the following command /cctv group addcamera <groupName> <cameraName>. You can as many camera's you want to your group! You may now ask what can I now after I added all my camera to a group? Now you have to make a computer, get a computer this can be with /cctv computer get or crafting one (recipe below). now place the computer block. This block can be changed in the config (no heads) You made your first computer ingame! You can enter the computer by right clicking the block, you will have a settings menu where you can add players to the computer who can access it and you can set the camera group! If you have set the camera group you now will see the camera's that you have added to the group!
Crafting We added a possibility to craft camera's & computers in survival to break them just left click your camera and you click delete. For the computer you can just break it.
Computer: Camera: Tutorials: English Dutch:
Mc Security Free Download
Player permissions (for survival): Basic (without you can't access any commands): cctv.help Camera: cctv.camera.rename cctv.camera.list cctv.camera.setowner cctv.camera.disable cctv.camera.enable Groups: cctv.group.create cctv.group.delete cctv.group.addcamera cctv.group.removecamera cctv.group.setowner cctv.group.rename cctv.group.info cctv.group.list Computer: cctv.computer.create cctv.computer.delete cctv.computer.setgroup cctv.computer.addplayer cctv.computer.removeplayer cctv.computer.setowner cctv.computer.list Admin permissions (for creative/admins): Default: cctv.admin or cctv.* Player: cctv.player.info cctv.player.restore cctv.player.compare Camera: cctv.camera.other cctv.camera.create cctv.camera.delete cctv.camera.view cctv.camera.teleport cctv.camera.movehere cctv.camera.return cctv.camera.connected cctv.camera.get cctv.camera.debug cctv.camera.view.override (to view a camera thats disable) Group: cctv.group.other Computer: cctv.computer.other cctv.addplayer.other cctv.removeplayer.other View: (chancing view of a other camera thats not yours) cctv.view.nightvision cctv.view.zoom cctv.view.move cctv.view.switch
/cctv camera create (<ID: String>) /cctv camera delete (<ID: String>) /cctv camera view <ID: String> /cctv camera teleport <ID: String> /cctv camera rename <ID: String> <NewName: String> /cctv camera movehere <ID: String> /cctv camera return /cctv camera list (<Page: Int>) /cctv camera setowner <ID: String> <Player: String> /cctv camera get /cctv group create (<ID: String>) /cctv group delete <ID: String> /cctv group addcamera <(GROUP)ID: String> <(CAM)ID: String> /cctv group removecamera <(GROUP)ID: String> <(CAM)ID: String> /cctv group setowner <ID: String> <Player: String> /cctv group rename <ID: String> <NewName: String> /cctv group info <ID: String> /cctv group list (<Page: Int>) /cctv computer create (<ID: String>) /cctv computer delete (<ID: String>) /cctv computer setgroup (<ID: String>) <GroupID: String> /cctv computer addplayer (<ID: String>) <Player: String> /cctv computer removeplayer (<ID: String>) <Player: String> /cctv computer setowner (<ID: String>) <Player: String> /cctv computer list (<Page: Int>) Command Sub-command args[1] args[2]
We tried our best to make this plugin work as good as possible! Found any bugs? Please contact one of us... You can find our accounts on the right side of the page Please do not post the Errors in the comments, as they spam the commands.
Thank you for using our Plugin! You have the permission to use it for whatever you want, but please, do not claim ownership of our plugin, or post it somewere else.
If you find a bug, please report the bug thru discord, don't rate the plugin if you don't like it because of a bug...